21 Aug Web Design Fit For A League
The Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL) was in a tough spot—or at least, their web site was. With being in charge of the preservation of revered South Beach landmarks, neither of them had the time nor experience to update the MDPL’s copy heavy and crazily-coded web site. With the 2011 Art Deco Walk approaching and a grant on the line, they needed a user-friendly solution for their website–and fast. After experiencing CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION advertising + branding for his own company, one of the members approached MDPL board to have CIHYA tackle the much-needed overhaul.
Our main goal was to focus on the primary league’s first love: the visual beauty of the buildings. The old web site was full of copy no one would read—much less continue to search. With CIHYA’s new direction, many of Miami Beach’s treasured historical landmarks could finally be the main focus. Next we added the much needed and recognized flavor and color of he unique Miami Beach Art Deco District colors selected by MDPL founder Leonard Horowitz, while keeping the appeal of the design current. Finally, we created a simple navigation for the site’s many offerings in an easy to read, color-coded format. Since the prior web site was entirely in gray and very copy heavy, the viewer was not sure where to find the information needed within all the copy. Copy points were edited by MDPL and compiled into simple navigation tabs so information could be acquired quickly and easily.
Unveiling of the new look of the MDPL website would not only garner attention and press, but also infuse the league with new memberships.
In meeting with the staff, CIHYA were also able to help update MDPL themselves. With our design direction, the league would need to dig deep and find original works and sources that would give the site stronger grounding. The MDPL logo was tweaked and updated from the tiny existing logo (which could not be properly printed at any size larger than a golf ball).
With the MDPL’s beautiful new website design, we at CIHYA are proud to be a part of the preservation of the Art Deco landscape that makes Miami Beach one of the most sought after destinations year round.
Please check them out and visit our work at: http://www.mdpl.org
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